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New Emerging Cannabinoids To Keep an Eye On For 2023

The cannabis industry is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, and recent years have seen remarkable discoveries of new cannabinoids, solidifying the fact that constant innovation is at the core of this field. Notably, in 2019, THCP and CBDP emerged as extraordinary cannabinoid findings. However, the exploration of novel cannabinoids did not stop there. Since 2019, cannabis producers and researchers have unveiled numerous exciting and previously unknown compounds, awaiting your exploration and experience.

Here are some of the hottest cannabinoids you should keep an eye out for in 2023:

HHC-A (Hexahydrocannabonolic Acid):

HHC-A is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and a hydrogenated form of THCA. This compound undergoes a complex process where isolated THCA is treated with hydrogen and a catalyst, enhancing its stability and resistance to breakdown. Promising studies on mice have shown that HHC-A reduced tumor size more effectively than THCA.


HHC-O is a highly novel cannabinoid, acetylated from HHC, which is a hydrogenated version of THC. Produced by combining naturally sourced HHC with acetic anhydride and a catalyst, HHC-O is reputed to be stronger than HHC, particularly when vaporized. Some users recommend combining HHC-O with CBD to balance the intensity of its effects.


HHC-P, short for hexahydrocannabiphorol, is a stable and highly resistant hydrogenated form of THCP. Marketers claim that HHC-P products are significantly more potent than delta-9 THC, although these claims lack conclusive scientific evidence. Users consider HHC-P to be one of the strongest cannabinoids on the market, surpassing THCP and THC-O.


CBN-O, also known as CBN-O acetate, is a rare minor cannabinoid from the cannabinol (CBN) family. Users report experiencing stronger euphoric, sedative, and stress-relieving effects compared to CBN. CBN-O products are commonly available in distillate or isolate form, potentially beneficial for managing pain and stress symptoms.


THCP-O, or tetrahydrocannabiphorol acetate, is a powerful semi-synthetic cannabinoid and the acetated form of THCP. Known for its intense psychoactive effects, THCP-O has been described as more potent than delta-8 and delta-9 THC. Its products might be suitable for pain relief and sleep support for experienced cannabis users.


THCb, or tetrahydocannabutol, is an intoxicating minor cannabinoid naturally found in cannabis. With a butyl side chain, THCb exhibits better binding affinity at CB1 receptors compared to THC, potentially making it a promising pain reliever and anti-inflammatory compound.


THCjd, or tetrahydrocannabioctyl, is a rare octyl cannabinoid and THC isomer found in cannabis. Users believe it to be significantly more potent than delta-9 THC, potentially providing relaxation and pain relief effects. However, higher doses may lead to heightened anxiety and paranoia.


THC-H, also known as tetrahydrocannabihexol, is a naturally occurring cannabinoid and the hexyl homolog of delta-9 THC. While synthetically derived parahexyl has been used as an anti-anxiety treatment, naturally occurring THC-H is likely legal under the Agricultural Improvement Act.

It’s important to note that these novel cannabinoids are still in their early stages of exploration, and exercising caution is crucial. When purchasing products, prioritize safety by choosing reputable companies that provide Certificates of Analysis (COAs) to ensure product quality and transparency.

Although these novel cannabinoids hold great promise, it’s worth mentioning that CBD continues to have a bright future in the cannabis industry. CBD remains immensely popular due to its various health benefits, such as neuroprotection, sleep promotion, and stress and anxiety reduction. CBD sales have consistently grown, with projections indicating potential sales reaching $16 billion by 2026.

In conclusion, the ever-evolving cannabis industry presents exciting opportunities with these newly discovered cannabinoids. Stay informed, exercise diligence, and choose trusted sources to navigate this evolving landscape successfully.

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